Clegg’s Pest Control is Raleigh’s Go-To Ant Exterminator!
Are ants “bugging” you in Raleigh NC? One of the most common infestations homeowners deal with is ants. There are many different kinds of ants native to our home state of NC. However, some classifications of ant are potentially more harmful to your house than others. To determine what kind of ant you see racing across your kitchen floor, check out our common bugs page. Then, give Clegg’s Pest Control a call at (888) MR CLEGG! One of our experienced technicians will come out for a free inspection of our home to determine the treatment and service necessary.
How do ants find food?
Ants have a very keen sense of smell, which helps them search for food. Ants walk around randomly, letting their senses guide them in the general direction of food or liquid. Ants have a particular pheromone they leave behind while scouting that allows their fellow ants to follow. This allows them to remember the way back in order to pass that information on to the others.
When an ant finds a source of food, it will bring back whatever it can carry to the hive. Depending on how it suits the colony’s taste, more ants will return for a second trip, and even more for a third, until there is a continuous line of ants going back and forth to a food source. This is how infestations occur inside a home, particularly in the kitchen. Ants can even infest your dishwasher in their search for snacks!
How do ants survive rain and flooding?
Anthills have chambers of air bubbles that allow the colony to stay dry through a rainstorm. When rain becomes overwhelming, or flooding ensues, ants will evacuate the nest and seek higher ground. Many ants will seek out trees or plants to rest on top of while their hill soaks in water. Fire ants in NC and the Atlantic coast have a particular way of surviving during hurricane season. Survival instinct urges them to quickly evacuate their hills, bringing along eggs and larvae, and connect to one another to create a living raft. It is not uncommon to see floating bunches of connected ant colonies, like floating tree bark, during a flood.
Do ants bite?
Yes, all ants have the ability to bite. There are many different ant species, with a plethora of defense mechanisms. Fire ants will first bite then sting their target, usually injecting a self made poison that causes allergic reactions (this causes severe itching). This defense mechanism is usually saved for situations in which their nest or colony is in jeopardy. They also have been known to sting when acquiring food. If you are concerned about being bit by ants around your property, call Clegg’s Pest Control today to have a technician come inspect your home or yard for ant infestation.
To Have Ants Exterminated From Your Home in Raleigh NC, Call Clegg’s!
At Clegg’s Pest Control, we want to help you with all of your pest control issues! We have served North Carolina for over 50 years, and would love to service your home. As your local pest control heroes, we do whatever it takes to rid your home of bugs and pests so that you can rest easy and not worry about the ant infestation.